Replace Lead Acid with Lithium Batteries for RVs and Marine – Why & How
Replace Lead Acid with Lithium Batteries for RVs and Marine – Why & How It’s time. Your RV or boat’s lead acid battery bank had a good run, but just isn’t able to hold a charge anymore – so what should you do? Using battery desulphators could help squeeze some more life out of it, but instead of asking how to restore lead acid batteries that are clearly past their prime, the question you should be asking is: Can I replace lead acid batteries with lithium batteries in my boat or RV? After all, lithium batteries are becoming the standard for renewable energy storage. The answer is YES, you can absolutely replace lead acid batteries with lithium in marine and RV applications – but here are a few considerations to help you decide if upgrading to lithium batteries is the right lead acid battery alternative for your boat, camper, or RV. MARINE BATTERY WHY REPLACE LEAD ACID BATTERIES WITH LITHIUM IN A BOAT OR RV? Lead Acid vs. Lithium: Depth of Discharge Depth of Discharge, or ...